Hey everybody! I'm sorry if there are men reading my blog, but this is something I have to say. I have a good friend who's passing through something and that made me very mad. I don't know how many of you have children and I'm not saying that all men are the same, but in my experience, they act so selfish and childish when a new member of the family arrives. I know the way it happened when I had Elena: she was crying all night long, I was so tired, I didn't know to do anything, it was all new to me, and the last thing on my mind was my husband. Not to mention that he wasn't very helpful.
Men should be our partners, they should help us raise our children, the first few months after giving birth are very sensitive and the risk of depression is very high. A child needs his father, as much as he needs his mother. So, my advise for every mom to be is: ask for your husband/boyfriend's help, don't try to do everything alone, it's not just your responsibility! Make time for yourselves, try not to forget that you are also women, not just moms. Motherhood should be an extraordinary experience, not a burden!
I'm sorry if I bored you (if you had the patience to read all this), but I needed to say all this!
Da, multi barbati considera ca asta e treaba femeii si ajutorul lui e optional.. cand el e vital asa cum a contribuit la producerea copilului.
E greu, iti pune nervii la incercare, insa in doi totul pare mult mai usor.
si sora mea a patit asa...doar ca a durat cam 2-3 zile pana a pus picorul in prag si barbatul la tinut copilul in brate :)
te pup
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