Sunday, March 3, 2013


EN: Yesterday I took my girl out for a little shopping (mostly for her) and lunch! I had to wear something comfy and these light blue boots, bought from a SH for 10 Ron seemed like a good idea. The problem was that when I wanted to have my picture taken, the wind started to blow really hard and it also started to snow! Anyway, I hope you won't mind my hair ans you'll like my outfit!

RO: Ieri am iesit cu fetita mea sa-i cumpar cate ceva de primavara si sa iau pranzul cu o prietena. M-am imbracat comod si m-am gandit ca ar fi o idee buna sa ma incalt ci aceste cizme cumparate dintr-un SH pentru suma de 10 lei, mai ales ca parea placut afara. La intoarcere insa, cand sa ma opresc sa fac niste poze, s-a pus pe un vant si pe o ninsoare, de ziceai ca vine iarna din nou. Asa ca, imi cer scuze pentru parul ciufulit si sper ca o sa va placa tinuta mea!


Melissa dv said...

the blue looks great on you! x

Melissa dv said...

the blue looks great on you! x

Melissa dv said...

the blue looks great on you! x

lorena said...

hehe, si eu am patit la fel ieri :) m-a surprins vremea. Iti sta foarte bine!

te pup,Lorena

stf 27 said...

wow! blue blue blue! nice hair! pupici!

Unknown said...

What a great dress on you! Loove blue!
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Natalie said...

I love the gorgeous blue on you!

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

Great colors!

Mihaela Pojogu said...

hehe nice, blue mood :)

peek-a-boo said...

Lovely x

Lauren said...

That colour is stunning on you! xo

Beatrice S. said...

Imi place tare mult rochita!