Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy New Year!

EN: You must be wondering why this title: because in Bucharest (Romania) it's been snowing non stop since last night, the temperatures are very low and it feels like winter holidays are approaching. That's why I'm posting an outfit from last Sunday, when it was still sunny and nice outside. I'm wearing New Yorker boyfriend jeans, a striped blouse, clutch and red shoes from H&M. Do you like it?

RO: In cazul in care va intrebati daca am luat-o razna cu titlul asta, e doar vina vremii urate. Simt ca se apropie sarbatorile de iarna, nu cele Pascale. De aceea voi posta o tinuta de sambata, cand era inca frumos afara. Nu ma mai tin nervii sa ma imbrac frumos si sa fac poze pe vremea asta, astept week-end-ul cand se anunta 19 grade. 

Tinuta: jeansi boyfriend New Yorker, bluza cu dungi, clutch si pantofi rosii, toate H&M.


Mihaela Pojogu said...

O combinatie cel puin coloristica ce te avantajeaza foarte tare. Stylish, cool :)

Unknown said...

foarte frumoasa tinuta!
imi place pata de culoare !
te pup

Paola Lauretano said...

Nice outfit!
I love the touch of color!!!

ZADIN said...

Îmi place ținuta. Boyfriend jeanșii sunt adese potențați de încălțări rafinate.


Anaivilo said...

Vai , ador pantofii!! O.O

Ba da a nins, dar am ales o zona unde zapada nu prea...exista. Oricum, cand am ajuns in ziua aceea acasa, a inceput sa ninga masiv din nou:))

Moscow Blogger said...

Love your look, dear! I like this shoes!

Loving Evelyn said...

Imi place mult blugii

Elizabeth Valchar said...

amazing shoes:)

Elizabeth Valchar said...

amazing bag<3

Alina said...

Very nice! Love those jeans!

stf27 said...

i love your outfit! keep up the good work!

Beatrice S. said...

Jeansii si pantofii se potrivesc la tanc!