Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pavel Stratan concert

EN: Pavel Stratan is an artist from Moldova.

RO: Dupa cum spuneam in postarea precedenta, am fost la un concert Pavel Stratan si mi-a placut foarte mult. Mi s-a parut un artist foarte profi, modest si talentat. Voi ce parere aveti despre el?


Anonymous said...

Looking very pretty, so lady like!:)

Mesmeric said...

Ne place Pavel Stratan si ne place si tinta ta ;)


Beautiful! Maybe you'd like to follow each other GFC or BLOGLOVIN?
Let me know on my blog http://www.catpuff-blog.com/

Unknown said...

si, a cantat bine pavel stratan?


Corporatista said...

Da, chiar a cantat bine!

Unknown said...

What an adorable outfit!

Lubna | www.ellevox.blogspot.com

stf27 said...

ce dragut te-ai imbracat!!!!! n-ai inghetat de frig?

Ana said...

Darling I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends these Holidays.

Lots of hugs,

MoGio said...

Si eu am fost la un concert de'al lui , dar anul trecut inainte de sarbatori . Chiar mi-a placut . E cam rusinos , probabil de aceea e si modest . Sau invers :) I-am cumparat si cd-ul , iar tata a folosit intr-o zi masina mea , si m-a lasat fara el :)) Doar cu carcasa , a zis ca de ea nu are nevoie :))

Anonymous said...

Foarte inspirat outfitul! Felicitari! Makes you shine babe!

Diana Nicolae said...

Foarte frumoase cizmele, dau farmec tinutei si te scot din anonimat :)