EN: In case you were expecting a Bond outfit, sorry to disappoint you, it's just me, going to the mall to see Skyfall. What can I say about the movie? Since I'm a Pierce Brosnan fan, I can't be as excited to see the new blond James Bond, as I was when seeing the old one. I just don't find him as charming as Brosnan. But I continue to see the movies because I consider they are classics, despite all the special effects. It's hard to believe one could survive to a fall down as Bond did, but not everyone is special agent 007. So, let's leave it like that!
About my outfit: H&M skirt, tights and booties, vintage sweater and bag, Bershka belt.
FR: Au cas où vous attendiez un Bond outfit, je suis désolée de vous deçevoir, c'est moi sortant en ville pour visionner Skyfall. Je suis un fan de Pierce Brosnan, donc je n'aime pas bcp la nouvelle série avec un James Bond blond; mais, je continue d'y aller parce qu'il s'agit d'un film classique, en dépit de tous les effets spéciaux et l'immortalité de l'agent 007.
En ce qui concerne mon outfit: j'ai porté H&M jupe, legging et botes, pull et sac vintage, ceinture Bershka.
RO: In cazul in care va asteptati sa apar intr-un costum de Bond girl, eventual cu pistol si imbracata super sexi (poate va veni si post-ul asta dupa ce voi slabi cele 10 kg care mi-au ramas in plus dupa sarcina), imi pare rau sa va dezamagesc: sunt doar eu la mall, vizionand filmul Skyfall. Cei care ma cunosc stiu ca sunt fan Pierce Brosnan si chiar nu sunt incantata de noul Bond blond, parca nu are farmec, nu convinge la fel de mult ca celalalt. Anyway, mi-a placut in linii mari pentru ca este un film clasic, cam stim la ce sa ne asteptam in ciuda efectelor speciale si a imortalitatii agentului 007. Insa m-a surprins faptul ca a lipsit povestea de dragoste din aceasta parte.
In ceea ce priveste tinuta mea: am purtat fusta, legging si ghete H&M, pulover si geanta vintage, curea Bershka. Cele doua poze cu ghetele si geanta sunt facute retroactiv, pentru ca am ramas fara baterie la aparat.
And while I was trying to take good pictures of the bag and boots, my daughter....
Gentuta este foarte draguta!
Wish you a lovely weekend my dear!
Multumesc, la fel!
I love Pierce Brosnan too... I think he is the ultimate Bond! Eversince I lay my eyes on him on the series Remington Steel I knew he is Bond! But Daniel Craig is okay too... better than Timothy Dalton for sure.Great outfit and love the bag!
Foarte frumusica si simpatica cea mica!
daca ai timp si iti plac pozele fashion viziteaza noul meu blog www.exquisitehunter.com :)
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