Sunday, July 28, 2013

Maxi dress

Hello! A casual Sunday afternoon, a maxi dress and a pizza (salad for me). I just love summer week-ends!

Pimkie dress, H&M wedges and bag, no name bracelets and vest

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Vizitand blogul Claudiei am dat peste acest concurs si mi-am zis "de ce nu?". Pana la urma, n-am nimic de pierdut. Deja am incercat o suta de diete fara rezultat, am trecut prin dezamagirea cantarului cel putin o data pe saptamana in ultimul an. Daca va intrebati de ce, raspunsul e simplu: 25 de kg luate in timpul sarcinii. Inca mai am 10 de dat jos, dar imi e din ce in ce mai greu. Cred ca organismul meu a obosit, sau doar eu! Ideea e ca nu se mai misca acul cantarului!

E clar, eu singura nu pot s-o fac! Am nevoie de cineva sa ma ajute, sa ma invete! Si mai presus de toate, sa ma motiveze!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

In the mood for...

EN: Hi! Today, I would like to talk to you about reading. You know how sometimes it happens to be to tired, to busy, to bored and you realize after a while that it has been 1-2-6 month(s) since you've read the last book? At least, this is what happens to me. Other times, it's just easier to watch TV or just surf the net. But it comes a day when you start reading again.!

For me, that day came one month ago when we had no electricity for almost a day. While I was at the seaside, I finished reading Lunes de fiel (Luni de fiere) - I'm not sure what the English translation is. And now I'm reading Lolita and I just received this:

Looks like I have an appetite for strange literature! Please don't judge me!

What have you been reading lately?

RO: Buna! Azi vreau sa va vorbesc despre citit. Stiti cum se intampla uneori sa te simti prea obosit, prea ocupat, prea plictisit sa mai citesti. Si trece o luna, trec doua, trec noua de cand ai citit ultima pagina. Mie asa mi se intampla! Si apoi, bang, dintr-o data incep din nou!

La mine, acest bang a fost acum vreo luna, cand n-am avut electricitate toata ziua (deci n-am putut sa ma uit la TV sau sa stau pe net) asa ca am pus mana pe o carte. Am citit Luni de fiere (Pascal Brukner), acum citesc Lolita si tocmai ce-am primit cartile de mai sus. Se pare ca mi s-a deschis apetitul pentru literatura ciudata. Va rog sa nu ma judecati!

Voi ce-ati mai citit in ultima vreme?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Out with friends

EN: When you become a parent, going out with friends in bars and clubs happens very rarely, at least for us. That means once a month or every other month. This Friday,  we went to a very nice bar, we danced and had "grown-ups fun". I hope to do it again soon.

RO: Cand devii parinte, sunt din ce in ce mai rare momentele cand iesi in oras la baruri si cluburi. Iesirile constau in parcuri, locuri de joaca si poate o terasa unde are si copilul spatiu sa zburde. Eu si sotul meu incercam, totusi, sa ne facem timp si de noi, sa ne distram "ca oamenii mari". Cred ca e important intr-o relatie. 

Voi ce parere aveti?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This diet is killing me!!!

EN: Hello, girls (and boys?)! As I've already told you, I'm on a diet! When I was pregnant, I gained 25 Kilos and it was very difficult to lose them. After 1 year and a half, I managed to do that, but it's very hard for me to maintain my weight.

About my outfit: a blouse that looks like a piece of the traditional Romanian costume (ie), a summer skirt and some comfy sandals.


RO: Buna, fetelor (si baietilor?)! Dupa cum v-am spus deja, sunt la dieta! Cand am fost insarcinata, am luat 25 de kg si mi-a fost foarte greu sa le dau jos. Dupa un an si jumatate am reusit sa scap de ceva kg, dar nu prea reusesc sa ma mentin. Tot dau si pun si nu-mi gasesc echilibrul.

Despre tinuta mea: o bluza care aduce putin cu o ie, o fusta de vara din in (H&M) si niste sandale cu pietre de pe La Redoute.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Geek chic

EN: Pictures taken while I was at the seaside.

RO: In timp ce postez, ma uit la stiri si vad un baietel de 6 ani care are 120 kg si medicul de familie a refuzat sa se deplaseze sa-l consulte fara bani. In ce lume traim? Oare doar la noi exista aceste probleme? Cateodata mi se pare ca ne-am dezumanizat. Daca nici pentru copii nu facem un act de caritate, atunci pentru cine? In astfel de momente imi doresc sa parasesc aceasta tara!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


FR: We took these photos before leaving to  the seaside, but I was so busy that I didn't have the time to post it. I'm wearing a vintage dress and a pair of summer boots that I bought last year.

RO: Am facut aceste poze inainte de a pleca in concediu, dar a fost foarte ocupata sa las totul in ordine incat nu am avut timp sa le postez. Port o rochie-camasa vintage si o pereche de cizme de vara cumparate anul trecut.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Seaside nostalgia

EN: I just came back from my vacation and I'm not very happy about it. Tomorrow I have to go to work, I have a lot of things to do and I don't feel rested enough. I leave you with a few pictures we took this last week. 

RO: Tocmai ce m-am intors de la mare si nu sunt prea incantata de idee. Maine trebuie sa ma intorc la serviciu, am o multime de lucruri de facut/recuperat si nu ma simt suficient de odihnita. La mare am avut vreme destul de neplacuta, vant, ploaie, vijelie si n-am putut profita asa cum mi-as fi dorit.