Monday, May 27, 2013


EN: Three years ago, I became the happiest woman alive! Why? Because my daughter, Elena, came in our lives! Happy birthday, my dear, may you always be as beautiful, joyful and playful as you are right now!

RO: Acum trei ani am devenit cea mai fericita femeie din lume! De ce? Pentru ca fiica mea, Elena, a aparut in viata noastra. La multi ani, iubita mea, sper sa fii mereu atat de frumoasa, fericita si jucausa cum esti acum!

In alta ordine de idei, sambata am sarbatorit-o si va las cu cateva poze de la petrecere.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Beauty of nature

EN: Hey! Near my house I saw these wonderful poppies and I wanted so badly ta take pictures! I love these flowers, they look so cute and they have am amazing color. Do you like poppies?

RO: Salut! Aproape de casa mea am gasit acest "perete"cu maci si mi-am dorit enorm sa fac poze printre ei! Iubesc aceste flori, arata atat de gingas si au o culoare superba. Voua va plac macii?

Sunday, May 19, 2013


EN: When I first heard about this show, I instantly wanted to see it. Razvan Mazilu (Romanian dancer) is one of my favorites and the combination between stand-up comedy and contemporary dance was intriguing. I wasn't disappointed! 

RO: Cand am auzit pentru prima data de acest spectacol, am vrut sa-l vad. Razvan Mazilu este unul dintre preferatii mei, iar combinatia intre stand-up comedy si dans contemporan este cel putin interesanta. Va invit pe toti/toate sa vedeti acest spectacol, nu veti fi dezamagiti!

Clutch and shoes H&M, earrings and necklace Avon, the rest is no name. The skirt also seen here.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother and daughter part II

 Like I said, last week-end was all about my little girl. I'll just let the pictures do the talking!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother and daughter

EN: Hey, girls (and boys)! It's Monday, new week ahead of us and we have to work, work, work! This week-end was all about my daughter, we spent it together, went to the park and had fun! How was yours?

RO: Buna, dragelor! Iar e Luni, ne asteapta o saptamana de munca! In week-end-ul care a trecut i-am acordat tot timpul fetitei mele, am fost in parc si ne-am distrat impreuna! Cum a fost week-end-ul vostru?

Mini Prix dress, H&M shoes and jacket, no name bag

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hello, boyfriend!

EN: Hello, my dears! A few days ago, I found my boyfriend jeans in my closet and I paired it with these shoes from Mini Prix, that are extremely comfortable, despite the high heels. The top is also from Mini Prix. I hope you like it!

RO: Buna, dragelor! Acum cateva zile am gasit in dulap acesti jeansi, de care uitasem si m-am gandit sa-i port cu pantofii de la Mini Prix, pe care n-am apucat sa-i incerc pana acum. Am fost surprinsa in mod placut pentru ca sunt foarte comozi, in ciuda tocului inalt. Bluza e tot de la Mini Prix. Sper sa va placa!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Easter - second day

These photos were taken on Monday, when we were invited to a barbecue and we had lots of fun!

Am luat-o invers, inca n-am intrat in posesia pozelor din prima zi de Paste, asa ca vi le arat pe cele din a doua zi.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Before Easter

Hey guys! Yesterday we had the orthodox Easter and I spent it with my family, but those pictures are not ready yet so I leave you withe these pictures from last week.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Leggings again

EN: Hello, people! Another post involving leggings, this time floral print leggings. I found it in a local store and I really liked the print, they are very comfortable and can be worn in different combinations. 

RO: Saluuut! Ce-ati mai facut de cand nu "ne-am mai vazut"? Eu sunt suparata ca n-am putut merge la mare de 1 Mai, a fost o vreme superba si mie imi place la nebunie sa stau la soare. Care dintre voi imi face in ciuda?

Despre tinuta, am niste colanti cu imprimeu floral, i-am gasit intr-un magazin local si imi plac pentru ca sunt comozi, primavaratici si pot fi combinati in multe feluri!