Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I love promotions

Hey, guys! This week-end I stopped by New Look, I bought these boyfriend jeans and got the shoes for free! Isn't that great? Sorry for my long face in these pictures, I had a terrible migraine!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

De week-end

EN: Hey there! I present to you the"I'm-not-pregnant-with-twins outfit". It was meant to be a casual week-end outfit for a coffee with friends, but the wind transformed it in something else. Not one of my best choices, I know, but I decides to post it anyway because this blog is about me, just the way I am. I don't live a glamorous life, I don't dress up just to take pictures and I am just a normal woman. So, there you have it! Want do you think?

 H&M cardigan, Zara leggings, no name scarfn Mini Prix boots

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oldies, but goldies

EN: Hey! Went through my mom's closet and found this old Parka that used to belong to my sister. I like it very much, it keeps warm and I don't think it will ever be out of fashion. What do you think?

RO: Salutare! Ieri am dat o raita prin dressing-ul mamei mele care e ca un magazin SH. Gasesti tot ce vrei si ce nu vrei. Eu am gasit aceasta Parka a surorii mele, pe care ea nu o mai poarta de mult si m-am gandit sa o folosesc eu. Aceasta e tinuta pe care am purtat-o la job. Ce parere aveti?

Marks&Spencer jacket, Koton jeans, no name sweater, boots and earings, H&M scarf

Monday, February 18, 2013

Late Valentine's Day

EN: We went out for Valentine's Day on Saturday evening! It wasn't really a romanting date since there were three of us (our daughter too), but we had a great time! We've been to an Indian Restaurant (first time for all of us) and I have to say, I LOVED THE FOOD!

RO: Pentru ca nu am avut timp sa iesim de Sf Valentin, am amanat-o pentru sambata seara. Nu a fost chiar o intalnire romantica (pentru ca a fost si fetita noastra cu noi), dar ne-am simtit foarte bine. Am incercat pentru prima data mancarea indiana si AM ADORAT-O! De mult imi propusesem sa incerc si in mod sigur ne vom intoarce acolo cand ne vom reveni cu banii! Pentru ca da, ne-a dat o gaura cam mare in buget!

Zara top, thrifted cardigan, Bershka pants, Mini Prix boots, Meli Melo necklace, H&M envelope bag

Friday, February 15, 2013


EN: Hey! I didn't post any Valentine's outfit, because I had a busy week and had no time to take pictures. This outfit here is something I wore at work.

RO: Salut! Nu am postat de Sf Valentin pentru ca am avut o saptamana mai agitata si nu prea am avut timp de poze. Aceasta tinuta e ceva ce am purtat la serviciu.

H&M jacket, Bershka blouse, Koton jeans and bag, no name booties

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Casual stripes

EN: Hey, guys! Yesterday I saw a good friend of mine and my sister for lunch and giving the fact that we were the only persons inside, we took some photos. It was a little dark, I should stop taking pictures inside, but I have to wait for the spring to come.

RO: Ieri am iesit la pranz cu un bun prieten si cu sora mea si am profitat de faptul ca eram singurii din incapere pentru a face cateva poze. Afara era cam frig si inca nu m-am obisnuit cu oamenii care se holbeaza, de-asta prefer sa fac poze unde sunt singura. Stiu ca nu e bine, era intuneric si pozele n-au iesit extraordinar! Pana la primavara, voi lucra cu mine la capitolul asta!

H&M striped blouse, Koton jeans, no name cardigan and collar, Bershka booties

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Bow tie

 Koton coat, random brand shoes, skirt, shirt and bow tie, Moa earrings

And my sister, the photographer

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


EN: Hi, everybody! When I saw the sun yesterday, I thought spring was near! Unfortunately, it seems that winter is not ready to go yet and we still have a few weeks of cold weather.

RO: Buna! Ieri am crezut ca vine primavara, dar cand am iesit afara mi-am dat seama ca mai avem destul de indurat vremea rece. De obicei cand ma imbrac subtire, am noroc sa ploua/ninga/bata vantul. In alta ordine de idei, am purtat tinuta din aceasta postare la serviciu. Imi place mult culoarea galbena a puloverului.

No name sweater and bag, H&M dress, Bershka belt, Stradivarius boots

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Prosteala de week-end

In acest week-end am decis sa degust binecunoscutul cocktail Bloody Mary! Eram curioasa de mult timp, dar n-am avut niciodata curaj sa degust. Cum dupa varsta de 30 de ani ai un declic si iti dai seama ca se apropie varsta a doua, anul acesta mi-am propus sa fac multe lucruri pe care nu le-am facut pana acum din varii motive.

Concluzia: e un cocktail pe care il poti servi in loc de cina :)) ! Nu e rau, dar eu raman la prima mea dragoste, Mojito!

PS: Zambetul larg de pe fetele noastrele nu are legatura cu votca din compozitia bauturii, vedeti ca paharele sunt inca pline!