Thursday, January 31, 2013

Leather skirt

EN: Hey, guys! This is an outfit I wore when I met a friend for a cup of coffee. What do you think about it?

H&M skirt and bag, ERROS jacket, no name blouse, necklace and boots

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

In the snow

Koton Jeans, Dika blouse, H&M bag and booties, random brand necklace and coat

Saturday, January 26, 2013


EN: Hi! Still no outfit post, just some pictures of my newest acquisitions!

Koton Jeans, I love them soooo much!

H&M shoes, bought on sale for a very good price

H&M sunglasses

And when we're very, very bored, my sister and I....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Flower print

EN: Hey, everybody! Yesterday we went to a friend's birthday and I wore this dress I received for Christmas. I really like the floral print on it, it make me think of spring! Oh, how I wish spring was closer! But we still have to wait a month (I know, I'm being optimistic!).

Random brand dress, scarf and booties, H&M denim jacket and bag, C&A gloves

Monday, January 14, 2013

My feet look gorgeous

EN: Hi, there! Since I've been missing lately and I don't have an outfit post, I thought it would be a good idea to show you the most recent acquisition. Of course, it’s shoes!!! I love them and they make my feet look gorgeous! In case you were wondering, the reason I haven’t posted anything this last week is that my daughter was very sick and between napkins, pills, doctors, I really didn’t have the time or the mood to dress up. Those who have children can understand better. But now everything is ok and I’m back!

RO: Salutare! Stiu ca am lipsit destul de mult din lumea blogging-ului! Nici acum nu am un outfit post, dar am o pereche noua de pantofi de la reduceri! In cazul in care va intrebati de ce am lipsit, motivul e unul destul de serios: fetita mea a fost bolnavioara si pe langa medicamente, aerosoli, doctori, servetele, vomitaturi etc, chiar nu mi-a ars de aranjat si pozat. Dar mi-a fost dor si acum am revenit!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Just us, girls

EN: Hello! A few days ago, I went out with my sister to have a drink. On our way to the bar, we stopped the car to take some pictures in the woods. Unfortunately, my sister had just finished watching CSI, and instead of concentrating to my photos, she was terrified not to have a serial killer behind her. So the pictures aren't that great!

RO: Salutare! Acum cateva zile am iesit cu sora mea sa bem ceva. In drum spre barul respectiv trebuia sa trecem printr-o padure si m-am gandit ca ar fi interesant sa facem cateva poze! Din pacate, sora-mea era asa de stresata sa n-o omoare vreun criminal in serie (tocmai ce vazuse cateva episoade din CSI), ca nu prea s-a concentrat la pozele mele care au fost gata in maxim un minut. De aici si rezultatul...

Zara blouse, H&M skirt, Bershka booties, no name coat, earrings and ring, Avon bag

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Short trip to the mountains

EN: Hi, everybody! After New Year's Eve, we went on a 3 days trip to the mountains. The weather wasn't great, but we had a really nice time just the 3 of us!

RO: Salutare! Dupa Revelion am plecat cateva zile la munte, pe Valea Prahovei, crezand ca va fi liber. Am luat o mare teapa, a fost foarte aglomerat, dar a meritat. Ne-am simtit foarte bine in mica noastra familie!