Monday, December 31, 2012

Traditional and modern

EN: I just want to show you guys some Romanian traditions from New Year's Eve. I love it very much and I would like us to keep our values and not forget who we are!

RO: In aceasta postare voi combina cateva poze facute azi cu Plugusorul si Sorcova, doua traditii romanesti din 31 decembrie la care eu tin foarte mult pentru ca nu vreau sa ne uitam identitatea nationala si alte cateva poze cu tinutele noastre (Elena si eu). Va urez un 2013 mai bun, sanatate, intelegere si voie buna!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Black and white

EN: Hey, everyone! This is an outfit I wore for a visit to my favourite aunt! Took a few pictures, but it was sooo cold, so I laughed to make it better. I don't even know if it makes sense, I'm really tired, today I spent the whole day in the kitchen, cooking for tomorrow.

RO: Salutare! Tinuta din poze am purtat-o in vizita la matusa mea preferata. A fost foarte frig si daca ma vedeti ranjind in unele fotografii, de fapt incercam sa uit de gradele cu minus. In caz ca nu prea are sens ce spun, scuza e ca sunt obosita, am muncit toata ziua in bucatarie pentru maine seara!

H&M cardigan and necklace, New Yorker pants (also seen here), Camaieu T-shirt, random booties and sunnies, Avon bag

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Birthday party

EN: Hey, guys! Just a short post today, some pictures taken at my sister's birthday party, 2 days ago.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas day

EN: These are some pictures taken yesterday, with my family! We usually spend Christmas together and it's even better since we have Elena!

RO: Acestea sunt cateva poze facute ieri, la masa de Craciun, in familie, alaturi de fetita mea, Elena, care face totul sa fie special! In fiecare an petrecem Craciunul in familie si reusim sa ne simtim foarte bine! Voi cum ati petrecut aceasta zi deosebita?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!

EN: Santa came and he brought lots of presents! I guess we all have been very good this year! What did you get?

With Elena, Santa and my husband

Me and my sister, Stephanie
My sister, my mom and me

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ice skating

EN: Yesterday I've been ice skating with my daughter and it felt very good to work out a little bit. Do you like to ice skate?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pavel Stratan concert

EN: Pavel Stratan is an artist from Moldova.

RO: Dupa cum spuneam in postarea precedenta, am fost la un concert Pavel Stratan si mi-a placut foarte mult. Mi s-a parut un artist foarte profi, modest si talentat. Voi ce parere aveti despre el?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I'm Yeti

EN: Hello, people! Today I have an outfit that I wore to take my daughter to the theatre. I really like wearing white during winter, especially if we have lots of snow! I can't tell you any brands , most of my clothes are no name, bought a long time ago.

RO: Azi am reusit sa ajungem la teatrul de copii (v-am spus saptamana trecuta ca a fost o confuzie cu data spectacolului) si a fost foarte dragut (pentru copii, noi, cei mari, ne-am cam plictisit)! Asa ca, vom merge la un concert Pavel Stratan diseara, ca sa ne revenim putin! O sambata placuta tuturor!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Have a muffin!

EN: Hi, everybody! Since I don't have an outfit post, I will just tell you what I did last night: baked muffins! And not just any muffins, but diet muffins. I'm still trying to lose my baby weight using Dukan diet. What do you think, do they look eatable?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week-end and first snow

EN: Here are some pictures from Saturday and Monday, spent with our family!